


Learn singing with Anna in a natural and effortless way. Anna’s technique is unique and based on restoring and maintaining a balanced and healthy voice. By singing in a connected way, you will avoid injuries to your vocal cords and achieve real freedom of expression.

Anna respects the distinct characteristics of each individual and her teaching style enhances the uniqueness of your own being, your own voice. She does not impose style that is unnatural, her method works with whatever the choice of repertoire or style of singing. It connects you to your own deeper self, activating the healing powers of the sound.


Lessons with Anna are stress and tension free. You learn in your own tempo, never feeling hurried neither under-challenged. You will learn to speak well and sing well. You will learn how to keep your voice healthy.





Professional singers will have the chance to increase their range, correct bad habits, improve the breathing technique and connect to their inner self making sure that their singing is even more profound and beautiful. There is no reason for the voice to get damaged or weakened with time. Voice well used can and should last for a lifetime.


Voice is a vital part of every human being and how we use it is the expression of how we feel inside. If you are preparing for public speaking or an interview, a lesson with Anna can connect you to your own voice and increase confidence and the joy of self-expression.


Music has the power to heal and voice is the most amazing instrument we were all born with. Our journey through life starts with a loud cry. If you are convinced that you can’t sing it’s possible that it’s just a layer of trauma or stress that settled in your throat. Anna is an experienced, humourful and compassionate music therapist. She will patiently help you to overcome all obstacles preventing your voice from finding its truthful sound.

Anna’s teaching technique has so far been the only method I have experienced that has reduced the amount of vocal tension while singing, allowing the voice to fully resonate and to blossom naturally.

Tim Bruce (Professional actor and singer)


“Like a lot of people I never had a singing lesson and without knowing it picked up a lot of bad habits that, without my knowing, really stopped me from ever being able to sing properly. My tuning was bad and my voice was produced in the throat and didn’t sound, well, very nice! That was until I had a lesson with Anna. Anna S taught me how to breathe properly, how to pitch properly. She also showed me (and continues to do so!) a lot of other stuff to do with posture and voice production.  She is also a great laugh and a very inspiring teacher!”

Jeremy Clancy

“I’m an art teacher and take singing lessons for my personal enjoyment and development. In classroom situations, it’s vital to have a good voice projection and my lessons with Anna have helped me a lot.
I have had lessons in the past and have sung in several choirs but learning from Anna made all the difference. She has a great sense of intuition and really knows how to guide you to a deeper and more integrated understanding of your own voice. I’m still surprised when I watch my own progress and always look forward to my next lesson.”

Barbara Scialo

“…She is a great opera singer and yet she approaches each student with such love and humility that it gave me an instant feeling that one can achieve anything with ones voice.  Not to mention her amazing sense of humor which puts you at ease and helps you to enjoy the lessons to the fullest.  She also taught me how to use my voice while talking, so I would not strain it.”

Katarina Acinger




Anna Stefanova is a London based Bulgarian opera singer. She started her career as an opera singer in 2001 at the Veliko Tarnovo Music Theatre after being told that she is gifted with an extraordinary voice.

Short after, Anna performed at one of the most prestigious opera houses of Bulgaria for nine consecutive years as well as giving many solo concerts internationally. In 2005, Anna won an International Youth Music Festival Competition and was granted a scholarship with legendary music teacher Alexandrina Milcheva.

In Donegal (Ireland) she worked with the VEC- school program for music tutors, teaching students of different ages and levels.

After giving masterclasses and concerts all over Europe, Anna has settled in London where she works as a professional voice coach and opera singer.






mobile: 07436 360084

Whatsapp: 00 31 6587 45638


First lesson (1,5 hours): £40

Follow up lesson (1 hour): £40


Anywhere. Anna is giving online lessons via Zoom.